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Problems and disputes

Help is available should problems arise for you and your apprentice

Support to resolve disputes

Help is available to resolve problems or disputes with your apprentice through the South Australian Skills Commission.

For the most part, training is a positive experience for both employers and apprentices.

Occasionally, disagreements or disputes may arise between you and your apprentice.

Problems in a training contract are easier to resolve when they’re dealt with as soon as possible, and changes can be made to training contracts.

It’s important that employers try to resolve the issue with their apprentice directly before referring the matter further.

If you’re unable to resolve the matter with your apprentice, we can provide independent and impartial advice, and meet with you and your apprentice to help find a resolution.

What you need to know

Changes to the training contract must be agreed by both parties – employer, apprentice (and parent/guardian if the apprentice is under 18 years). It’s unlawful for any person to pressure or use unfair tactics to gain agreement to a change.

During a dispute you continue to provide your apprentice with work, training and wages, and they continue attending training and work.

Contact South Australian Skills Commission for support.