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Know your responsibilities

As an employer you should understand your requirements outlined in training contracts

When hiring an apprentice, you have certain responsibilities and obligations.

You will enter into a training contract, which is a legally binding agreement to work and train together until your apprentice has completed their training and you both agree they are competent in the skills required for their trade or vocation.

Once signed, your Apprentice Connect Australia Provider (ACAP) will need to submit a copy of your training contract to us within 28 days.

As an employer, you will be required to:

  • provide employment and training for the term of the contract
  • provide your apprentice with appropriate supervision at all times
  • release your apprentice and pay them while they undertake relevant training and assessment
  • comply with the wages and conditions in the relevant industrial award or agreement
  • comply with other relevant legislation such as the Work Health and Safety Act 2012.

Pay and conditions for apprentices

Wages and conditions for apprentices are set out in the Awards that are maintained and reviewed by the Australian Fair Work Commission. Alternatively, some apprentices may be covered by an enterprise agreement.

Apprentices are entitled to the same conditions of employment as all other employees working in similar occupations, including:

  • superannuation
  • worker's compensation
  • leave entitlements
  • protection under anti-discrimination and occupational, health and safety laws.

The Fair Work Ombudsman can help you with information about awards and agreements, workplace rights and obligations, and more.

More information about your responsibilities